Program FAQ
If I miss a practice(group lessons), can it be made up?
If you need to miss a class for any reason, you can make it up by attending an equivalent class on a different day at your current location. If there is not a way to make up the class at your location, or if an additional equivalent practice time is not offered at your location, there is most likely another location that you can attend to makeup the missed class. Please contact us at info@tennis.org.hk or WhatsApp +852 6682 9485. to inquire about the option to make up practices at other locations.
How is inclement weather handled?
Notification of practice cancellation will be made with as much notice as possible by email or WhatsApp from +852 9097 0915. We attempt to notify you by WhatsApp no later than one hour prior to the start of the programs. However, when it comes to rain, this is not always possible, so please check your email or WhatsApp from Timothy LAU frequently on questionable days. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility regarding short-notice cancellations due to inclement weather.
What is our rainout policy for classes canceled due to inclement weather?
Initially, we offered a one week extension for make-up classes. Now, we have permanently extended all of our seasons by one week regardless, ensuring that you get the most tennis for the price. For this reason, we generally do not make up rain-out days.
Can I change classes once I've registered?
If you accidentally registered for the incorrect programs, or are unsure of which programs to register for and feel you may need to switch programs types, simply let us know by emailing us at info@tennis.org.hk or WhatsApp +852 6682 9485. We will be happy help you find the perfect fit and then will update your registration from our end.
Lesson FAQ
How does the lesson confirmation process work?
New users​
Once your instructor receives your request, they will respond via email within 24 hours or WhatsApp. with a lesson proposal based on the information you provided when booking your lesson.
You may then "accept" the lesson proposal from the email or WhatsApp you receive, and be all set.
Returning users
you may contact person Timothy Lau +852 9097 0915 directly to confirm the time that works best for you and he can automatically schedule and confirm from there end.
How can I contact my instructor?
Once you have booked your lesson package, you will immediately receive an email confirmation and will be contacted via email within 24 hours by your instructor with either a lesson confirmation or a counter-proposal. If for any reason you do not hear from your instructor, you can contact us directly at timothy@tennis.org.hk or WhatsApp +852 9097 0915.
Can I reschedule my lesson?
Players may reschedule a lesson up to 24 hour prior to lesson. Lessons canceled by players less than 24 hours in advance will not receive their lesson credit back. If you need to cancel, simply contact us directly at timothy@tennis.org.hk or WhatsApp +852 9097 0915. He will then confirm or respond to your updated request until a new time is mutually solidified.
Can I switch to a different instructor?
You may switch instructors at any time or between any lessons.